Beauty by Jessamy

Thank you for visiting Beauty by Jessamy online booking. Prior to booking an appointment, I ask that all clients read and review the information below to ensure that you're properly informed about our payment, cancellation policies and if you're a good candidate. It is very important that each client understands everything prior to booking. Please call 786-797-8695, if you have any questions or concerns about anything! PAYMENT All major credit cards, debit cards accepted with square (2.75% processing fee) and cash. (No checks or money orders.) Zelle accepted. POLICY & CANCELLATION All appointments and deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE / NON TRANSFERABLE in case of a cancellation or a no call/no show. Any no show without given notice will be charged 100% of the value of your appointment. If you are 15 minutes late for your appointment it will be cancelled and you will lose your deposit. If you'd like to reschedule your appointment for another date after paying your deposit, we require a 48 hour notice to reschedule your appointment without losing your deposit. We will allow you to reschedule your appointment 2 times, after that you will lose your deposit. NO EXCEPTIONS. Pricing is subject to change at any given time without notice. This is a "low" maintenance treatment not a "No" maintenance treatment. Using a pencil or powder may still be needed. Fading, blurring or poor retention may still occur. Healed results will vary between each individual client based on skin type and condition, bone structure, health, immune system, metabolism, lifestyle and the amount of existing hair. Touchups are recommended for optimal results and are charged accordingly by sessions and timeframes not by the amount of work. New clients with previous permanent makeup work by another artist may not be good candidates and should not book an appointment before a consultation and approval from Artist.* If you have any plans or vacations that involve water, sun, or heat within the next 2 weeks of desired booking date, you will need to find a date that will not get in the way of your healing. After care is VERY crucial and these activities will affect the healing process. No kids or pets allowed during sessions. We reserve the right to refuse any service at any given time. Who is a good candidate? The simple answer is, anyone that wants to have full, beautiful brows all day, every day! That would include busy parents or business people who don’t have much time to apply brow make up, active people who don’t want to worry about sweating off makeup while working out or swimming, or any person who struggles with getting that perfect shape. Other clients include those suffering from scarring, Trichotillomania, Alopecia and Cancer, or other diseases and disorders that have led to natural hair loss. Let Beauty by Jessamy do all the work for you! Who is NOT a candidate? Allergy to Nickel (allergy test is needed before booking) Taking blood thinners Skin irritations near the area such as sunburn or Psoriasis Taking sun sensitizing medications (ex. Retinol/Retin-a/vitamin A – these need to be stopped at least 2 weeks before the appointment) Botox within last 2 weeks Accutane within last year History of keloid scarring Auto-immune deficiencies People suffering from severe acne Pregnant women Chemotherapy patients will need to check with their physician and provide a doctor's note Conditions that cause them to bleed very easily (this impacts results)

Business Hours

10 AM - 6 PM
10 AM - 6 PM
10 AM - 6 PM
8 AM - 6 PM
8 AM - 4 PM
10 AM - 4 PM

Cancellation Policy

We get it that sometimes things come up and you may need to cancel. If you are unable to make the appointment, please kindly notify Beauty by Jessamy at 7867978695 or as soon as possible to reschedule.